Monday, August 1, 2011

30 days and counting

Today marks Allan's one month until he starts basic training! Time has flown by so fast. This month is full of going away parties and going out with friends and boy am I already tired from thinking of all the stuff I have to do. We of course have been cramming in as much fun stuff with each other before he's gone for a few months. He's so prepared for training (even if he worries he's not) and he's doing so well with his PT. I'm so so proud of him. We did have a problem with his recruiters a few days ago. Apparently a spot opened up so Allan would be leaving the 17th of this month, but in the 5 minutes he asked to call me to ask my opinion, they gave the spot to someone else. So our plans changed and then unchanged. But hey! it's the military, what do you expect?

Now, as much as I will miss Allan and miss him I will, I'm looking forward to having the house to myself (and our little furbabies). I get to watch all my favorite movies and shows that Allan always gives me a sidelong look when I watch. And hell, I'm even looking forward to writing handwritten letters everyday for him while he's gone.  But while he's still here, we have so much lined up to do before he's gone, including: movies on the beach, 2 going away parties, our niece's 1st birthday party, seeing Captain America in theaters, and much more! Phew!

On another note, I've been working on making our diet much much healthier. We've both grown up with food that's not the healthiest and since he'll be working out a lot and I've been going to the gym a whole bunch, I've been really looking into ways we can make our lives healthier. I'm excited to try out new recipes and up for the challenge of changing my diet (whole milk vs. low-fat milk). I'll post on here different recipes I've tried and how they come out.

And finally, since Allan will be leaving at the end of this month, I'll post on here how he's doing at basic training so you all can keep up to date. Also, feel free to let me know if you'd like anything written to him, I'm sure he'd love encouragement coming from our friends and families while he pushes himself in this new challenge.

And to end this post, I thought I'd share a picture of our cat who seems to be giving me a hint...
 Kitty wanna go to Abu Dhabi?

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