It's been pretty dang busy around here and thus feel like I've been asleep on my feet. I figure it's easiest to list out some main things going on and then go into detail. This is going to be pretty long so I'll have to probably break this up into more than one post, but hey! gives you all something to entertain yourselves with! Now! On to my crazy life.
- Allan's problems with the Navy
- Allan's 2 going away parties
- Our weekend date
- My niece starting school
- A venture into Harry Potter treats
- The wonderful pancakes I'm obsessed with
- Frustrations with cat food
I'll start off with Allan's problems with the Navy. It's been a
pain in the ass rough road with the Navy so far. Allan was told at the beginning of the month that a spot had opened up and he was asked if he wanted it, so he called me to ask my opinion and he was going to call back his recruiter to give him a yes answer. Unfortunately someone took that spot in the 3 minutes it took us to talk. We shrugged it off because at least he still had his ship date set for the end of the month. And just this last Thursday he was told that a spot opened up for Tuesday (as in he would be shipping in 4 days!), but we didn't put much faith in it considering our last time around. He said yes and he was told to come in on Friday to sign paperwork and so on Friday he went in and signed his paperwork. So now that it was official we scrambled to get all of his going away parties planned and thankfully got them planned and done (more on that next post). So we spent as much time together and on Monday waited until 4 to roll around for him to be sent off, but lo and behold we got a call at 3 saying that it wasn't
actually official for him to leave yet because the guy whose spot Allan was taking hadn't actually been officially dropped from going yet. I'm sure you can understand our
sincere rage frustration with what was going on. We were told that the paperwork would be completely processed by Thursday so we sat around and waited to hear what the hell was going on. Thursday comes around and no call, so we asked his recruiter and he looked into it and you can guess our surprise when they said that the guy shipped out already! So we've given up on an early ship date until he's left and I get a phone call from basic training that he has made it and been accepted. It's very very irritating, but hey! it's the military what else is new?
Now, as I've said before I'm working on making our diets much healthier and I've discovered a recipe that is sooo delicious. It's whole wheat pancakes and definitely worth making. For breakfast I ate 2 with peanut butter and honey and I seriously wasn't hungry until lunchtime, which is a record.
Here is the recipe for it, but I had to ommit the nutty topping because Allan can't eat nuts.You neeeed to try these pancakes!
I think that's quite enough talk for one night. Everyone, try those pancakes!
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